Autor: Jaka Strajnar


  • 11 Pop/Rock pieces for drum set duets
  • Recordings of all compositions
  • Language: English
  • 32 Pages

2 Drum Paradise is a collection of eleven compositions designed for two drum sets. They have also been recorded and are available for listening online. These drum set duets offer various performance combinations. For developing creativity, technique and listening ability, each piece consists of one bar fills, longer fills or open solos.

The pieces are sorted by difficulty: starting with easy Pop/Rock rhythms, followed by intermediate Pop/Rock rhythms containing flams, ghost notes, double strokes, single stroke rolls and metric modulations. The main music style is Pop/Rock although some compositions are also written in Shuffle, Bembe and Mambo rhythms.

In addition to making wonderful performance pieces, these compositions are also useful teaching tools.

Playing in a duet is fun and motivating!

Price for paperback is 22,00 € + shipping

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PREIS FÜR PAPERBACK: 22,00 € zzgl. Versandkosten)


  • Notation, Online Audio Recordings
  • First Drum Battle
  • Drum Fun
  • Parallel Drum World
  • Drums Rock
  • Tandem Beats Party
  • Double Trouble Drumming 🙂
  • Just the Two Pairs of Sticks
  • Drum-Time Shuffle
  • Solo, Duo and Rock & Roll
  • To Drum or Two Drums
  • Drum Graduation




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