Educational workshops include music games, call & respond patterns,…
Cajon Workshops help kids to discover the joys of creating their own music through active participation. Educational workshops include music games, call & respond patterns, body percussion, improvisation exercises and other interactive learning tools.
Kids are very excited to explore the world of music and percussion together. Through drumming they increase their coordination, imagination and control.
Maximum number of kids at one workshop is around 20.
The workshop will be led by Jaka Strajnar, prof.
Info: [email protected] or +386 (0)31 511 339 (Jaka Strajnar).

- Vrtec Litija,
- Vrtec Ptuj,
- Kranjski vrtci,
- Vrtec Škofja Loka,
- Vrtec Antona Medveda Kamnik,
- Vrtec Šentvid,
- Vrtec Zelena Jama,
- Vrtec pri OŠ Simona Jenka Kranj,
- Vrtec pri OŠ Žiri,
- Vrtec pri OŠ Leskovec pri Krškem,
- Vrtec Najdihojca,
- Vrtec Vrhnika
- Vrtec Sonce v Celovcu,
- Vrtec Jaz in ti Borovlje,
- Vrtec Št. Peter v Rožu,
- Ljudska šola Tinje,
- Ljudska šola Galicija,
- Ljudska šola Sele,
- Ljudska šola Ledince,
- Ljudska šola 24,
- OŠ Kašelj,
- OŠ Olge Meglič Ptuj,
- OŠ Ivana Roba Šempeter,
- OŠ Šempas
- OŠ Deskle,
- OŠ Frana Erjavca Nova Gorica,
- OŠ Škofja Loka Mesto,
- OŠ Pirniče,
- OŠ Ivana Cankarja Vrhnika,
- OŠ Danile Kumar,
- OŠ Naklo,
- OŠ Milke Šobar – Nataše,
- OŠ Podgrad,
- OŠ Ivana Roba,
- Kulturni bazar 2013, 2014, …
Are you interested in any of the workshops? Then fill out the form below.